To Janez Potočnik
EU Commissioner for the Environment
cc. Jo Leinen
Chair of the EP Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
cc: János Áder, Richard Seeber, Theodoros Skylakakis, Zuzana Roithova, Alajos Mészáros, Daciana Sarbu, Kriton Arsenis, Csaba Tabajdi, Renate Weber, Michail Tremopoulos, Edvard Kožunšnik, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Sabine Wils, Joao Ferreira, Jiri Mastalka and Nikolaos Chountis
Members of the European Parliament
08 September 2010
Dear Commissioner Potočnik,
We are writing to you in relation to the European Parliament (EP) resolution of May 5th (P7_TA (2010)0145) calling for a general ban on the use of cyanide mining technologies in the European Union by 2011. We remind you that the EP resolution was passed with an overwhelming majority of 488 votes. The Parliament’s unequivocal call for a ban on cyanide mining is due to the concern of our elected representatives to protect Europe's shared water resources, its biodiversity, and the health and livelihoods of its citizens.
Our hope is that as Commissioner for the Environment you might share these concerns. However your communications to members of the European Parliamenti and to environmental groupsii, fail to justify your refusal to take action in line with the EP resolution, and to assess the gaps in the implementation of existing legislation.
We are also seriously concerned about the non-transparent process of consultations that the European Commission undertook with representatives of the mining industryiii, while the request for participation of environmental groups and local communities were ignored.
We remind you that the European Commission is both legally and morally obliged to protect the public interest and to promote transparency, democracy and citizens’ participation in decision-making.
Therefore the undersigned civil society and community organizations urge you to:
a) release a cost and benefit analysis including full assessment of the environmental and health related impacts as well as costs/gains in the case of the ban compared with the present situation and
b) to carry out and release an assessment on the actual implementation of the existing legislationiv with regards to existing and proposed cyanide-based mining operations.
In December 2000 your predecessor Margot Wallström welcomed the release of the final report from the independent International Task Force for Assessing the Baia Mare Accident with the following words:
"There is the need to further embrace a culture of openness, transparency and participation. Had citizens felt that they were receiving objective information in the aftermath of the accident then much of the distress, confusion and economic hardship might have been reduced."v
Ten years later these words are still very relevant and compelling. Our demands for more openness, transparency and participation in the European Commission's decision-making related to the risk of cyanide pollution resonate with these words.
The argument that existing EU legislation should ensure safety of cyanide mining operations does not hold precisely because EU legislation is so weakly enforced. As you are aware, DG Environment is in possession of detailed complaints submitted by both environmental organisations and EU citizens that highlight the failure to enforce the law vis-á-vis the environmental assessment procedures for large scale cyanide-based mine
Rather than rejecting the call of the democratically elected European Parliament, the Commission should instead show social and environmental responsibility and leadership by welcoming this opportunity to support non-toxic alternatives to cyanide-based mining. In line with Commission President Barroso’s call for the creation of ‘green jobs’ we call on Directorate-General for the Environment to promote the recycling of precious metals from Europe’s increasing mountains of electronic waste.vii
To conclude, we demand the opening of a transparent and balanced consultation process regarding the steps that DG Environment will take in order to implement EP resolution (P7_TA (2010)0145) on a general ban on the use of cyanide mining technologies in the European Union by 2011. We look forward to your Directorate-General setting out a time-line and participation opportunities for civil society organisations and local communities that wish to be involved in the Commission’s work vis-à-vis P7_TA(2010)0145.
Yours sincerely,
1. Alexander Kodjabashev, Demetra Association, Bulgaria
2. Albert Recknagel, Terre des hommes, Germany
3. Alla Yaroshinskaya, Russia - Right Livelihood Award Laureate, 1992
4. Ana Colovic Lesoska, Eco-svest, Macedonia
5. Andras Biro, Hungary - Right Livelihood Award Laureate, 1995
6. Andrey Kovatchev, Balkani Wildlife Association, Bulgaria
7. Anisa Xhitoni, EDEN Center, Albania
8. Angie Zelter, Trident Ploughshares, Right Livelihood Award Laureate, 2001
9. Angelo Caserta, BirdLife International | European Division
10. Borislav Sandov, Foundation for Environment and Agriculture, Bulgaria
11. Birsel Lemke, Turkey - Right Livelihood Award Laureate, 2000
12. Dr. Budayné, Szerkő Környezeti Nevelési Egyesület, Hungary
13. Cesar Padila, Observatorio de Conflictos Mineros de America Latina OCMAL
14. Czeller Gábor, Magyar Biokultúra Szövetség, Hungary
15. Cseho Gábor, Csermely Környezetvédelmi Egyesület, Hungary
16. Cselószki Tamás, Bors Alapítvány, Hungary
17. Daniel Popov, Center for Environmental Information and Education, Bulgaria
18. Demeter Zoltán, Zöld Akció Egyesület, Hungary
19. Dimitar Vassilev, Ecoclub 2000, Bulgaria
20. Doru Mitrana, Greener Association, Romania
21. Edvin Pacara, Institute for Environmental Policy, Albania
22. Eugen David, Alburnus Maior/Rosia Montana, Romania
23. Farkas István, Magyar Természetvédők Szövetsége, Hungary
24. Fodor Mark, CEE Bankwatch Network, Czech Republic
25. Földesi Dóra, Hulladék Munkaszövetség, Hungary
26. Gárdonyi Zsolt, Evezz Velem Egyesület, Hungary
27. Gellért Miklós, SZIKE Környezet- és Egészségvédelmi Egyesület, Hungary
28. Gyöngyössy Péter, Kerekerdő Alapítvány, Hungary
29. Hajósy Adrienne, Zöld Nők Csoportja, Hungary
30. Hans Hedrich, Sighisoara Durabila, Romania
31. Huub Schelle, Both ENDS, Netherlands
32. Ida Kuklina, Union of Soldiers Mothers Committees of Russia,
Right Livelihood Award Laureate, 1996
33. Ilosvay György, CSEMETE Természet és Környezetvédelmi Egyesület, Hungary
34. John F Charlewood Turner,UK, Right Livelihood Award Laureate, 1988
35. Jorgo Riss, GREENPEACE, European Unit
36. Dr. József Hamar, Tisza Klub, Hungary
37. Kelemen Zoltán, Magosfa Környezeti Nevelési és Ökoturisztikai Alapítvány, Hungary
38. Kocsis Anikó, Ökorégió Alapítvány a Fenntartható Fejlődésért, Hungary
39. Kőrösi-Báti Edit, Zagyva-mente Környezet- és Természetvédő Egyesület, Hungary
40. Laszlo Potozky, Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation, Romania
41. Lavinia Andrei, Foundation TERRA Millennium II, Romania
42. Luiza Boldizsar, Eco Ruralis, Romania
43. Lukács András, Levegő Munkacsoport, Hungary
44. Magda Stoczkiewicz, Friends of the Earth, Europe
45. Maria Kadoglou, Hellenic Mining Watch, Greece
46. Martina Schaub, SÜDWIND e.V. - Institut für Ökonomie und Ökumene, Germany
47. Marianne Andersson, Right Livelihood Award Foundation, Sweden
48. Michael Reckordt, philippinenbüro e.V. im Asienhaus, Germany
49. Prof. Mike Cooley, UK, Right Livelihood Award Laureate, 1981
50. Molnár Ibolya, Nyíri Arborétumért, Természetért, Kultúráért Közhasznú Egyesület, Hungary
51. Monika Griefahn, Ministerin a.D., Denmark
52. F. Nagy Zsuzsanna, Levegő Munkacsoport, Hungary
53. Neli Arabadzhieva, Green Balkans NGO, Bulgaria
54. Nilton Deza Arroyo, Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca, Peru
55. Ole von Uexkull, Right Livelihood Award Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden
56. Payal Sampat, EARTHWORKS, USA
57. Peter Fuchs, PowerShift, Germany
58. Petko Kovachev, Green Policy Institute, Bulgaria
59. Petru Botnaru, Terra-1530, Romania
60. Prof. Radi Radev, Ecoforum Association, Bulgaria
61. Prof. Dr. Raul A. Montenegro, Argentina, Right Livelihood Award Laureate, 2004
62. Ramona Duminiciou, InfOMG, Romania
63. Raluca Dan, Re.Generation, Romania
64. Regine Richter, Urgewald, Germany
65. René Ngongo, GREENPEACE, Africa
66. Richard Solly, London Mining Network, UK
67. Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D., Right Livelihood Award Laureate, 1986
68. Dr. Roszík Péter, Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft., Hungary
69. Sára Endréné, Beretzk Péter Természetvédelmi Klub, Hungary
70. Sascha Gabizon, WERF - Women in Europe for a Common Future
71. Sebastian Rötters, "FIAN Germany (FoodFirst Information and Action Network)"
72. Simonyi Gyula, BOCS Alapítvány, Hungary
73. Stefania Simion, Independent Centre for the Development of Environmental Resources, Romania
74. Dr.H.Sudarshan, India, Right Livelihood Award Laureate, 1994
75. Szalay Tímea, Csalán Egyesület, Hungary
76. Szegfalvi Zsolt, GREENPEACE, Hungary
77. Theo van Boven, Netherlands, Right Livelihood Award Laureate, 1985
78. Todor Slavov, Environmental Association “For the Earth”, Bulgaria
79. Toldi Miklós, Dráva Szövetség, Hungary
80. Tömöri László, E-misszió Természet- és Környezetvédelmi Egyesület, Hungary
81. Vágvölgyi Gusztáv, Inspi-ráció Egyesület, Hungary
82. Vasil Kadrinov, Ecological Association GEO, Bulgaria
83. Dr. Veres Nándor, Szövetség az Élő Tiszáért Egyesület, Hungary
84. Viktor Vida, Védegylet/Protect the Future!, Hungary
85. Vojetch Kotecky, Hnuti Duha-Friends of the Earth, Czech Republic
86. Zalatnay László, Energia és Környezet Alapívány, Hungary
87. Zubor Kata, Válaszúton Hagyományőrző és Környezetvédő Alapítvány, Hungary
88. Αγγελόπουλος Δήμος, ΑΛΚΥΩΝ- Ομοσπονδία Οικολογικών Οργανώσεων Κορινθιακού Κόλπου, Ελλάδα
89. Αφέντης Τάσος, Κίνηση για τη Σωτηρία της Γκιώνας, Ελλάδα
90. Βασιλείου Ανδρέας Δίκτυο ΜΕΣΟΓΕΙΟΣ SOS, Ελλάδα
91. Βιτωράκη Μαρία, Θεματική Ομάδα Περιβάλλον των Οικολόγων Πράσινων, Ελλάδα
92. Γεωργοπουλος Αλέξανδρος, Οικολογική Κίνηση Θεσσαλονίκης, Ελλάδα
93. Γραβάνης Bασίλης, Αυτόνομη Ομάδα Οικολογικής Δράσης Νομού Λάρισας, Ελλάδα
94. Δεμερίδης Γιώργος, Οικολογική Εταιρεία Έβρου, Ελλάδα
95. Δραγουμάνη Θεοδοσία, Οικολογική Ομάδα Ροδόπης, Ελλάδα
96. Ζωτου Ελεονώρα, Αυτοδιοικητική Κίνηση Οικολογία-Αλληλεγγύη, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
97. Ιωαννίδου Ελεάνα, εκπρόσωπος τύπου των Οικολόγων Πράσινων, Ελλάδα
98. Κάππας Ξενοφών, Ελληνική Ορνιθολογική Εταιρεία, Ελλάδα
99. Καραβασιλικού Γραμματική, Μορφωτικός και Πολιτιστικός Σύλλογος Μεγαλοπαναγιωτών Θεσσαλονίκης, Ελλάδα
100. Κοσμόπουλος Γιώργος, Αντιμονοπωλιακή Ομάδα STOPCARTEL, Ελλάδα
101. Κωστή Αγγελική, ΓΡΑΙΓΟΣ ΑΜΚΕ, Λαμία, Ελλάδα
102. Κωστής Γιωργάκης, ΒΙΟΖΩ- Βιοκαταναλωτές για Ποιοτική Ζωή, Αθήνα, Ελλάδα
103. Λειβαδίτη Θεώνη, Εταιρεία Προστασίας Τριχωνίδας, Ελλάδα
104. Νικήσιανη Σίσσυ, Συντονιστική Επιτροπή κατά της Εγκατάστασης Δεξαμενών Καυσίμων στη Λιμνοθάλασσα Βάσοβα, Καβάλα, Ελλάδα
105. Νικολαδάκης Τάσος, Πατραϊκή Ένωση Καταναλωτών, Ελλάδα
106. Πανούση Αιμιλία, ΗΛΕΣΙΟΝ- Μη Κυβερνητικός Οργανισμός Περιβάλλοντος, Αθήνα, Ελλάδα
107. Πέτρου Νίκος, Ελληνική Εταιρεία Προστασίας της Φύσης, Ελλάδα
108. Σκιάς Στυλιανός, ΠΑΚΕΘΡΑ- Πολιτιστικό Αναπτυξιακό Κέντρο Θράκης, Ξάνθη, Ελλάδα
109. Σπανούδη Δέσποινα, Συμπαράταξη Βοιωτών για το Περιβάλλον, Ελλάδα
110. Σκούρας Αντώνης- Εφημερίδα της Βόρειας Εύβοιας
111. Σταμπουλή Αφροδίτη, ΣΥΡΙΖΑ- Συνασπισμός Ριζοσπαστικής Αριστεράς Σερρών, Ελλάδα
112. Σχίζας Γιάννης, περιοδικό “ΟΙΚΟΛΟΓΕΙΝ”, Ελλάδα
113. Τραμπάζαλη Κωνσταντία, Άμεση Επέμβαση για την Προστασία της Άγριας Φύσης, Ελλάδα
114. Φωτεινάκης Κώστας, Οικολογικός Πολιτιστικός Σύλλογος Χαϊδαρίου ΟΙΚΟ.ΠΟΛΙΣ., Ελλάδα
115. Ψαρούδας Σπύρος, ΚΑΛΛΙΣΤΩ- Περιβαλλοντική Οργάνωση για την Άγρια Φύση και Ζωή, Ελλάδα
вторник, 31 август 2010 г.
събота, 7 август 2010 г.
Взривове над Влахи, ВЕЦОВЕ, МЕЦОВЕ и разни "спецове"



сеч и взрив,
камъне и дръве изчезнаха там.
Тамо са парите - некой си изкряска
и ето ги с машини
и еtо ги със папки
и ето ги в басейнови дирекции
и ето ги в Регионални инспекции
но каква е схемата
каква е схемата,
как разрухата пълни джобите на "посветените"?
сряда, 4 август 2010 г.
Management of Natura 2000 sites: Guidance
Management of Natura 2000 sites: Guidance
Article 6 - Managing and protecting Natura 2000 sites
Article 6 is one of the most important articles in the Habitats Directive as it defines how Natura 2000 sites are managed and protected.
Paragraphs 6(1) and 6(2) require that, within Natura 2000, Member States:
* Take appropriate conservation measures to maintain and restore the habitats and species for which the site has been designated to a favourable conservation status;
Avoid damaging activities that could significantly disturb these species or deteriorate the habitats of the protected species or habitat types.
Paragraphs 6(3) and 6(4) lay down the procedure to be followed when planning new developments that might affect a Natura 2000 site. Thus:
* Any plan or project likely to have a significant effect on a Natura 2000, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects, shall undergo an Appropriate Assessment to determine its implications for the site. The competent authorities can only agree to the plan or project after having ascertained that it will not adversely affect the integrity of the site concerned (Article 6.3)
* In exceptional circumstances, a plan or project may still be allowed to go ahead, in spite of a negative assessment, provided there are no alternative solutions and the plan or project is considered to be of overriding public interest. In such cases the Member State must take appropriate compensatory measures to ensure that the overall coherence of the N2000 Network is protected. (Article 6.4)
Article 6 - Managing and protecting Natura 2000 sites
Article 6 is one of the most important articles in the Habitats Directive as it defines how Natura 2000 sites are managed and protected.
Paragraphs 6(1) and 6(2) require that, within Natura 2000, Member States:
* Take appropriate conservation measures to maintain and restore the habitats and species for which the site has been designated to a favourable conservation status;
Avoid damaging activities that could significantly disturb these species or deteriorate the habitats of the protected species or habitat types.
Paragraphs 6(3) and 6(4) lay down the procedure to be followed when planning new developments that might affect a Natura 2000 site. Thus:
* Any plan or project likely to have a significant effect on a Natura 2000, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects, shall undergo an Appropriate Assessment to determine its implications for the site. The competent authorities can only agree to the plan or project after having ascertained that it will not adversely affect the integrity of the site concerned (Article 6.3)
* In exceptional circumstances, a plan or project may still be allowed to go ahead, in spite of a negative assessment, provided there are no alternative solutions and the plan or project is considered to be of overriding public interest. In such cases the Member State must take appropriate compensatory measures to ensure that the overall coherence of the N2000 Network is protected. (Article 6.4)
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